Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tedious Offerings

Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord.
Colossians 3:23

When I began this blog, I asked pastors and others to offer scripture verses they wish had been more familiar to them in college. One respected colleague sent this one. A good choice because just about every situation comes with tasks or demands we would rather avoid, pastors included. And sometimes God uses them in ways we may not imagine at the time.

Thirteen or fourteen years ago, when I was on staff at a church near DFW Airport, where American Airlines has a hub, that airline had a plane crash in Arkansas. Suddenly I realized how many in our congregation worked for airlines and that, even though no church members had been involved in this incident, there might be a “someday.” 

So I spent a significant part of two days tagging everyone I knew worked for an airline in the church database and asking church staff and airline personnel to name others. Tediously entering material into a database is not one of those glorious occupations most pastors dream of when we answer God’s call. But I knew it needed to be done “just in case.”

A couple of years later, immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I could call and e-mail the airline people we knew about. As they responded, they let me know where they were and how they were, I gave them news of colleagues, and they identified other airline employees, so that we could widen the circle of caring. I was so thankful for those tags!

I knew I was working on the database “for the Lord,” but how many times do I, or you, miss the opportunity to turn an unwelcome task into a way to offer ourselves to God? In my case, lots of times.

God’s peace,


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